A black and white logo for mineral county
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Walker Lake

Miles of sandy beaches , surrounding dirt roads & trails provide access to boating, wind sailing, 4x4ing, and camping. The lake is a desert terminal water body, one of only about four in the world and one of two in Nevada. In prehistoric times, it was part of Lake Lahontan that covered much of the state. Near the town of Walker Lake, highway 95 winds across awesome cliffs with turnouts for lake viewing. Large herds of wild mustangs, and bighorn sheep can often be seen in the south & south-west areas of the lake/hwy 95. Mt. Grant overlooks the lake, towering 11,245 feet high.

Our Communities


Rock Hounding, Geocaching, ATV & OHV touring extraordinaire to a cabin under a rock, old mining camps galore. Ever hear of a Lobster farm in the desert? Well, we had one serving a local Cabin Cruiser Restaurant in Mina. Sodaville is the site of a former lobster farm. The Desert Lobster Restaurant in MINA is entered through a cabin cruiser. Inside was home style cooking, historic memorabilia, and a map of all the off-road trails in the county. (Unfortunately now closed)


The county seat is known as "America's Patriotic Home." A huge flag at Veterans Park frequently flies at the north end of town. The third weekend in May celebrates Armed Forces Day with a parade, fireworks, and many other activities. From the main street (E Street), one can access lodging, dining, museums, and the restored 1942 USO building.


From Wikipedia

Located on the Walker River Indian Reservation. It is the burial place of Wovoka, the Paiute messiah who originated the Ghost Dance movement. 

Celebrations and Events

Annual events that bring in a large number of visitors are the Armed Forces Day celebration held on the third weekend of May, and the Walker Lake Paiute Tribe Pine Nut Festival at Schurz and the Fishing Derby at Weber Reservoir.

Area Links


Today there are Three Federal and one County/State campground on the west side of the lake, just off Highway 95. Some have shaded tables with grills and fire pits and rest rooms. A minimal fee is charged to stay overnight at the various beach's with the money deposit post for all 3 BLM beaches found near the beach line of Sportsmens Beach. Note the signs there indicating lake levels at various years. Boating, Hiking, Rock Hounding, Geocaching 4x4ing and Wildlife viewing are added benefits.


In addition to pelicans and gulls, seasonal birds such as cormorants, grebes, plovers, ducks, and geese stop over on their migratory flights. Other wildlife you may see include hawks, coyotes, foxes, bighorn sheep, wild mustangs, and an occasional eagle, mountain lion or bear. Update note: In the past decades the water level has dropped so most birds and fish no longer can be found, However the lake level is way up now so .....

4X4 OHV Roads and Trails

Approximately 1,000 miles of dirt roads and trails is what we have for your 4x4, ATV, or OHV adventure. Many a Poker Run has been held on these dirt roads and trails. To get to many of the Ghost Towns/Ghost Mining camps and petroglyphs you'll be travel-in on dirt roads, most are 2wd in good weather however some are indeed either and or only accessible by 4x4 or ATV. Don't forget to explore the lava beds and old Underground (cold cellar) at Fletcher Stage Stop / Lava spring!

Ghost Towns and Mining Camps

All along Highway 95 and nearby connected roads (otherwise known as Nevada Silver Trails Territory) are Ghost Towns & Ghost Mining camps. From Aurora about 18 miles outside of Hawthorne to Candeleria at the far southern end of Mineral County do we have Ghost Towns for you to explore.

There are also short-day trips to Bodie, Mono & Mammoth Lakes. And while you’re at it, don't forget all the Ghost Camps in between, especially in Mina if you’re an avid ATV/OHVer. What with perhaps 1,000 miles of open dirt roads and trails to such places as Cabin under a Rock to the Ghost Carp Boat way behind Walker Lake to The Car Frame Windmill near the Ghost Mining camp of Poinsettia we got you covered in Dirt Road Fun.

Unique Museums

The county museum displays geologic and historic items from mineral county's prehistoric and mining past. Memorabilia from the WWII town of babbitt is also featured. A resident historian, sue silver, has published five volumes about mineral county's history. The ordnance museum displays wartime ammunition, tanks (you climb in), missiles and military gear; it is one of only a few of its kind in the country.

1942 USO Building

The Hawthorne USO Building, which opened in January 1942, is listed on the National Register for its association with the history of Hawthorne and the West Coast US Naval Ammunition Depot and its association with the USO in Nevada during World War II.

NOTE: Building may be rented for conventions, weddings, reunions, meetings, and concerts.

Golfing & Geocaching

We offer Tourists many other adventures and activities such as geocaching, hunting, fishing, camping, BMX Motor Cross, hiking, 4x4ing and rock hounding. Be sure to visit the fine Golf Course at the Army Base.

Other Attractions

The town of Schurz has a Paiute Indian museum. In September, Schurz hosts an annual Pine Nut Festival including 4x4 mud run.
Year round there is excellent fishing in Weber Reservoir or the Walker Rivers especially at the Elbow.

Also located within the County's boundaries is towering Mount Grant and part of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and the Brand New Walker River State Recreation Area.

Gateway to the Sierra

Within a few hours, one departing from Hawthorne can visit Mono Lake, Yosemite, the Mammoth ski area, many Sierra lakes, Bridgeport, and the ghost town of Bodie.

* Walker Lake in recent years is having water levels substantially rising therefore more activities can be easily enjoyed at the Lake!

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